Dynamic Keyword Insertion for WordPress Shortcode
Our plugin provides one shortcode tag with variety of attributes which depend on the functionality needed.
[dki4wp type="param" param="what_is_good_for_seo" style="normal" prefix="Did you know that " sufix=" is good for SEO?" default="Did you know that content personalization is good for SEO?" keep="false" cache="false"]
- type
Type determines the type of data and functionality of a shortcode instance.
empty | param
Paramater Type. Read more about Param Type.
Geolocation Type. Read more about Geo Type.
Currency Type. Read more about Currency Type.
Datetime Type. Read more about Datetime Type.
GoogleAds Type. read more about GoogleAds Type
empty | param
- style (optional)
Defines the style of output.
empty | normal
Does not change the param value.
Changes the param value to uppercase.
Changes the param value to lowercase.
Changes the params words first letters to uppercase.
Changes the params first letter to uppercase.
empty | normal
- prefix (optional)
Adds a prefix to the resulted value in case it isn't the default value.
- sufix (optional)
Adds a sufix to the resulted value in case it isn't the default value.
- cache (optional)
When WordPress is using page caching (like LSCache or WPRocket) you can force a shortcode to reload right after the page is loaded to a non-cached value.
empty | true
Default WordPress caching behavior.
Processes value through a non-cachable AJAX request right after the page is rendered in user browser.
empty | true
- keep (optional)
Allow to persist the resulted value across all shortcodes of this param.
empty | false
A value will be processed every time a shortcode is parsed.
session | true
A value will be cached until the user closes the browser (cached for a single session).
expires in
(eg. 1 Month 5 Days)Value will be cached for a given time. Value can store multiple time units in singular or plural form:
%n (year|week|day|hour|second)/s -
Value will be cached for as long as the user does not clear the browser cache.
empty | false