BVNode - How to Use

How to use Shortcode Generator

We know that in times when visual builders are breaking popularity records, writing shortcodes may not be intuitive, especially if they have a lot of attributes like ours. On the other hand, the compatibility and performance of shortcodes is definitely a plus that is worth emphasizing! To address both issues, a fast, reactive and intuitive generator has been implemented on the plugin's Dashboard.

This tutorial does not describe how the shortcode works, it only describes how to use this tool. To better understand how DKI4WP works, read the Getting Started Guide first.

Reactive Form

The main element of the generator is an interactive form, which is divided into 3 groups of fields: Basic, Modifications and Advanced Settings.

On the right side of the form there is an info panel that displays a fragment of documentation about the selected field, so you do not have to visit the page with full shortcode documentation in case of any doubts. The form is reactive, each change introduced is immediately generated in the readonly field below.

Shortcode Field

When we finish editing the form, we can easily select the entire shortcode and copy it, or use the copy button next to the shortcode field with one click.

Test Value & Result

Finally, we can see if our shortcode behaves as we want. The output of our shortcode is also reactively displayed in the result section. We can also provide a test value to see what the result will be when the shortcode receives the parameter.

Thanks to this tool, generating shortcodes becomes simple and intuitive, and the need to understand its structure is reduced to a minimum! Isn't that great?

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