BVNode - How to Use

DKI4WP Shortcodes

Dynamic Keyword Insertion for WordPress Shortcode

Our plugin provides one shortcode tag with variety of attributes which depend on the functionality needed.

[dki4wp type="param" param="what_is_good_for_seo" style="normal" prefix="Did you know that " sufix=" is good for SEO?" default="Did you know that content personalization is good for SEO?" keep="false" cache="false"]
Did you know that content personalization is good for SEO?
  • type

    Type determines the type of data and functionality of a shortcode instance.

  • style (optional)

    Defines the style of output.

    • empty | normal

      Does not change the param value.

    • upper

      Changes the param value to uppercase.

    • lower

      Changes the param value to lowercase.

    • title

      Changes the params words first letters to uppercase.

    • sentence

      Changes the params first letter to uppercase.

  • prefix (optional)

    Adds a prefix to the resulted value in case it isn't the default value.

  • sufix (optional)

    Adds a sufix to the resulted value in case it isn't the default value.

  • cache (optional)

    When WordPress is using page caching (like LSCache or WPRocket) you can force a shortcode to reload right after the page is loaded to a non-cached value.

    • empty | true

      Default WordPress caching behavior.

    • false

      Processes value through a non-cachable AJAX request right after the page is rendered in user browser.

  • keep (optional)

    Allow to persist the resulted value across all shortcodes of this param.

    • empty | false

      A value will be processed every time a shortcode is parsed.

    • session | true

      A value will be cached until the user closes the browser (cached for a single session).

    • expires in
      (eg. 1 Month 5 Days)

      Value will be cached for a given time. Value can store multiple time units in singular or plural form:
      %n (year|week|day|hour|second)/s

    • max

      Value will be cached for as long as the user does not clear the browser cache.

Param Type

This is the default shortcode for dynamic content insertion.

Click here to set the state param to Texas

[dki4wp param="state" style="" prefix="State " sufix=" is the best!" default="California" cache="false"]
  • param

    The name of param used to bind query parameters or set values. It's can be anything except the Reserved Terms used by WordPress.

  • default | optional

    Defines the default value if shortcodes result in an empty string.

Geo Type

Shortcode displays a specifc geo value from geo plugin.

See in action

[dki4wp type="geo" geo="city"]
  • geo

    Value from geo location to show.

    • continent

      Displays continent.

    • continentCode

      Displays the continent code.

    • country

      Displays country.

    • countryCode

      Displays the country code.

    • flag

      Displays a country flag.

    • region

      Displays the region code.

    • regionName

      Displays the region name.

    • city

      Displays city.

    • district

      Displays district.

    • zip

      Displays a zip code.

    • lat

      Displays latitude.

    • lon

      Displays longitude.

    • cordinates

      Displays DMS-formated coordinates.

    • timezone

      Displays timezone.

    • currency

      Displays currency.

Currency Type

Provides currency actions. Our API provides currency rates refreshed every hour for 30 currencies.

Supported by API currency codes:

[dki4wp type="currency" currency="price" base-currency="system" target-currency="USD" price="299"]
77.89 USD
  • currency

    Defines a shortcode action.

    • rate

      Calculates the currency rate.

    • price

      Calculate the price in currency.

  • base-currency

    Defines the base currency.

    • system | empty

      Sets the base currency to the system (server geo location currency or WooCommerce default currency).

    • user

      Sets the base currency to the user's geo location currency.

    • currency code
      e.g. USD

      The currency code is provided by the API.

  • target-currency

    Defines the target currency.

    • system | empty

      Sets the base currency to the system (server geo location currency or WooCommerce default currency).

    • user

      Sets the base currency to the user's geo location currency.

    • currency code
      e.g. USD

      The currency code is provided by the API.

  • price

    Amount in base currency to process.

Datetime Type

A shortcode displays a specific date in a specific format for a specific timezone. It process the given date from the WordPress timezone to a specific timezone.

[dki4wp type="datetime" format="l jS \\o\\f F Y h:i:s A" time="1.01.2025 16:30" zone="America/New_York"]
Wednesday 1st of January 2025 10:30:00 AM
  • format

    Sets output datetime format.

  • time

    DateTime to be rendered.

    • empty | now

      Will result in the current time.

    • date
      (e.g. 01/02/2022 08:00)

      A date/time string. Valid formats are explained in Date and Time Formats.

  • zone

    Time Zone to be used for the output value.

Image Type

A shortcode displays an image.

[dki4wp type="image" image="media" param="my_dynamic_image" default="644" html="true" html-loading="lazy" html-output="wordpress" html-class="my-class" html-width="300" html-height="171" html-alt="My Alt" html-caption="My Caption"]
My Alt
My Caption
  • image

    Defines the image source.

    • media | empty

      Handle media library image files by ID.

    • url

      Handle a remote image file by URL.

  • size

    Sets a preferred image size. Takes any available image size defined in the WordPress installation. Default sizes are: thumbnail, medium, medum_large, large, full.

  • html (optional)

    Defines the output format.

    • empty | false

      Returns image url.

    • true

      Returns an HTML Element.

  • html-output

    Defines HTML Element output.

    • empty | wordpress

      Returns a WordPress HTML Element.

    • raw

      Returns a raw HTML Element.

  • html-class

    Adds custom class(es) to the HTML Element.

  • html-loading

    Sets "loading" attribute to img.

    • empty | false

      Default image loading.

    • lazy

      Lazy image loading.

  • html-alt

    Sets the default alt for the image. Overrides Media Library value for image="media".

  • html-caption

    Sets the default caption for the image. Overrides Media Library value for image="media".

  • html-width

    Sets the default width for the image. Overrides Media Library value for image="media".

  • html-height

    Sets the default height for the image. Overrides Media Library value for image="media".

Video Type

Shortcode displays video.

[dki4wp type="video" param="my_dynamic_video" video="youtube" default="7X8II6J-6mU" html-class="my-custom-class" html-loading="lazy"]
  • video

    Defines the video source.

    • media

      Handle media library video files by ID.

    • url

      Handle a remote video file by URL.

    • youtube

      Handle YouTube video by YouTube Video ID.

    • vimeo

      Handle Vimeo video by Vimeo ID.

    • wistia

      Handle Wistia video by Wistia ID.

    • dailymotion

      Handle Daily Motion video by Daily Motion ID.

    • flickr

      Handle Flickr video by Flickr ID.

    • videopress

      Handle VideoPress video by VideoPress ID.

    • facebook

      Handle Facebook videos by Facebook name|id.

    • tiktok

      Handle TikTok video by TikTok name|id.

  • html (optional)

    Defines the output format.

    • empty | false

      Returns video url for media/url or iframe src for embeds.

    • true

      Returns an HTML Element.

  • html-output (optional)

    Defines an HTML Element output.

    • empty | wordpress

      Returns a WordPress HTML Element.

    • raw

      Returns a raw HTML Element.

  • html-class (optional)

    Adds custom class(es) to the HTML element.

  • html-loading (optional)

    Sets "loading" attribute to the html iframe. It applies only to embedded videos (YouTube).

    • empty | false

      Default iframe loading.

    • lazy

      Lazy iframe loading.

  • html-defer (optional)

    Defer video initialization after the window is loaded.

    • empty | false

      Do not defer video initialization.

    • true

      Defer video initalization after the window is loaded.

    • miliseconds
      (e.g. 2000)

      Defer video initialization [n] ms after the window is loaded.

  • html-autoplay="" (optional)

    Adds an autoplay attribute to HTML <video> Element. Applies for: media|url.

  • html-loop="" (optional)

    Adds a loop attribute to HTML <video> Element. Applies for: media|url.

  • html-muted="" (optional)

    Adds a muted attribute to HTML <video> Element. Applies for: media|url.

    • html-playsinline="" (optional)

      Adds playsinline attribute to HTML <video> Element. Applies for: media|url.

  • html-controls (optional)

    Defines controls attribute to HTML <video> Element. Applies for: media|url.

    • empty

      Adds the controls attribute.

    • false

      Does not add controls attribute.

  • html-preload (optional)

    Defines preload attribute to HTML <video> Element. Applies for: media|url

    Note: The preload attribute is ignored if autoplay is present.

    • empty | false

      Do not load the video when the page loads.

    • metadata

      Load only metadata when the page loads.

    • auto

      Load the entire video when the page loads.

  • html-poster (optional)

    Adds a poster attribute to HTML <video> Element. Applies for: media|url.

    • image_url

      Poster image url.

Condition Type

There is also an option to wrap content in any shortcode with a "condition" attribute. It works like an "if" statement, you can also split wrapped content with [dki4wp_elseif condition=""] and [dki4wp_else] to make more complex condition statements.

[dki4wp_condition param="my_condition" condition="first_value"] First Condition met. [elseif condition="second_value"] Second condition met. [elseif condition="third_value"] Thirdcondition met. [else] No condition met. [/dki4wp_condition]
No condition met.

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